Worry Absolutely Ruins Today
Now I see where the saying worry wart comes from
it dawned on me as I awoke
worry takes the steam out of your engine
the wind out of your sails
and certainly affects the level
of confidence necessary to make good choices
it pours a poison through our systems
and they just don’t run as well.
Worry has a target
and it doesn’t care how long,
or how winding, the road to get there
it heads for our faith,
for from faith we make
decisions based on our relationship
with and God and the undeniable knowledge
that with Him all things are possible.
Worry screws that up,
worry opens a door for the evil one,
who dresses in all manner of attire
worry being one of his most effective disguises.
I know people who pride themselves on how
much they worry about their kids
and they always say they can’t help it
and to satan those words are pure gold
because he thrives on addiction
whether it is behavioral or substance
it still gives him a foothold.
So don’t worry, pray.
Every time you realize you are worrying
just start praying
first by confessing your sins
just speak them out
for the Lord hears our
and after you pray
stand in faith
that your concerns have been heard
and your requests were known
before you said a single word.
Julie Evans