Taking Every Thought Captive



Some days all we can do

is take every thought captive

and tighten the reins of control

over our minds.


We have to think about

what we are thinking about

and not allow any unwanted thoughts

that could cause us harm

and weaken our faith

to spend any time maturing

in our minds.


Just say no

just do it

no fear


All those sayings

have become mainstays

but how truly awesome

they are

if you just say no

just do it

and allow no fear

to reside in the temple

of you

Jesus can work miracles

for you


Today it is like I am weeding

a garden

the more I pull out

the unwanted thoughts

the more room there is

for all those thoughts

of all those things

I want to see, to be

to do, and to have

to take root in my life.


So I will weed

and I will water

and I will till

the fertile ground

until that

glorious moment

when the whole thing

just turns around. 


- Julie Evans 1/23/2002