

As the flesh of a man dies

his spirit becomes more obvious

there is a luminosity about him

so often, as I have held the hand

of a person dying, I felt as though

I was quite close to God

when the worldly man is transparent

you can sense the workings

of his heart

and so it is with those of us

who have dedicated our lives

to Jesus.

Our flesh dissolves

as our spirit

is set free,

there is such beauty

in this surrender,

and there is a new sensitivity

but it is not raw or painful

just new and fragile

so we must remember to choose

our words from the vocabulary

of God, we must select

our attitude from the compendium

of peace.

We no longer need to match

aggression with aggression

or negativity with judgment,

we must strive to bless people

with our words

we aren’t the Teacher of Peace

we are the doers

and therefore the inspirers,

and the only way to inspire others

is to truly walk the walk

of the gospel.

Shod your feet in softness

extend your hand in tenderness

wrap your words in love

shine forth the beauty of Christ

from your eyes.

Protect yourself not with anger

but with the Word of God.

You are safe,

you need not prove God wrong

for He is wise beyond measure

and He has told us that no arrow

formed against us

will prosper,

so pay more attention

to who is shooting the arrow itself

for God wants all His children saved

and, just maybe, if you

simply move aside

as the arrow is set free

perhaps the man who shot it

will finally set down his bow,

and then, with love, you can go

to him and find out

what it is that hurt him so.


 —Julie Evans
