Day 20: Father


  Name: FATHER

Prayer and Meditation:        

Psalm 68:1-10 (Complete Jewish Bible)

LET God arise!  LET His enemies be scattered; LET those who hate Him flee from His presence . . . LET the wicked perish in the presence of God. BUT LET THE RIGHTEOUS . . .  BE . . . IN GOD’S PRESENCE . . .

God, in His Holy dwelling, is a Father to orphans and defender of widows.  God gives homes to those who are alone and leads prisoners out into prosperity.

. . . God, You went out at the HEAD of Your people . . . You rained down showers in plenty , . . in Your goodness, God, You provided for the poor.

Psalm 68 gives a detailed, albeit cryptic, revelation of God’s ever-present love, provision, deliverance of His people, His children, His heirs.   It begins with an admonition: LET God arise!  (see Numbers 10:35-36)  We must LET God arise, lead, be the HEAD, our authority.  We must honor and obey Him as our Father, who loves us with His very life!  (LET us not forget that He died for us to receive His inheritance!)

The Psalm then instructs us HOW to LET God arise:  BE in His presence = always acknowledge His presence and trust that He is always present.  We must be attentive to recognize it – but even if we do not see, hear, feel, or understand, we can and must BE and LIVE with faith in our Omni-Present God.  The I AM that I Am is always God; who never slumbers or sleeps.  (Ps 121)  If we truly belong to Him, He is always present as our Heavenly Father:  The ONLY Father who never leaves us or forsakes us.  The ONLY Father who is perfect in His love, His wisdom, His provision, His protection, and His plans for us. 

Father is ALWAYS with us.  He began the work, He will finish the work, and He is ALWAYS WORKING (present tense) IN us, with us, for us and through us!  LET us obey His instructions, for HIS glory, the good of others in our lives and under our charge, and for our own good.

Consider this: if The WORD is alive, living (it is) and we are to obey/do/keep what it says (we are) then what it says always applies to us in the present moment!  Father is always loving us, always speaking to us in His Spirit and His WORD, and always doing HIS work to destroy the works of the enemy in and around us!

Prayer – Father, we thank you with all our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies for Your ever-present love, protection, and provision.  By Your grace, may we LET You do Your mighty works in us and through us, to destroy the works of the enemy!  LET Your Kingdom come and Your will be done, for Your Glory and Your Name’s sake!