Day21: Son


Name: SON

Prayer and Meditation:

“I will declare the [g]decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.” – Psalm 2:7

Psalm 2 is the first a the sequence of “Messianic Psalms.” A Messianic Psalm portrays Jesus and foretells the coming of Christ and what He will go through. In this account (Psalm 2: 7-9), the Son (Jesus), reflects back upon the Father’s eternal purposes and decrees, one of which is asking the Father, knowing that He will give unto us our request.

What do you need to ask God for today? Maybe there’s something keeping you awake at night, or taking away your joy. Just as God begot (brought forth) the Son, the Lord wants to beget us into something great. Today is your day!