Day 18: Abon Adonai - Ruler


Name: ABON ADONAI - Ruler

Prayer and Meditation:

                “For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding.” Psalm 47:7

In America, we don’t really have the concept of a “Ruler”. If we do, it more than likely has a negative connotation. God, however, rules all that is under Him, and He is a just God. He doesn’t ask us to worship idols or pray in specific buildings at a specific time to be close with Him. He only asks that everything we do is done with a whole heart unto Him.

Whether we’re riding in the car, helping the poor, serving at a food pantry, or worshiping on Sunday morning, let it be done in honor of Him. This is how we’re able to worship a King (Ruler) with understanding. As in the beginning of this Psalm, a triumphant voice comes from a place of victory. He is our victory.

Too many times we try to win our own battles instead of giving Him the battle. Or, we try to rule our own world instead of recognizing that He created the world that we’re trying to run. Today, let God be the ruler of your thoughts, your heart and your words.