Day 16: Savior


Name: Savior

Prayer and Meditation:

“The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.” Psalm 18:2

“Salvation,” in this reference is a derivative of the Hebrew word “Yasha,” which is “Savior.” The horn (also translated in Greek as strength, rays of light and the hill) of my salvation, are ways of describing the Savior. A “Savior” is someone who delivers, saves, liberates us and gives victory to us. He paid it all for us on the cross with His son Jesus, so that we (the unbeliever) could be saved and brought into victory.

Therefore, He is the rock, the fortress, the deliverer, and our strength in whom we put our trust in. There’s no metaphorical sense to what Jesus did on the cross for us; He just did it. The term “Savior” is mentioned two-hundred and five times alone in the Old Testament.

This morning seek the Lord out with a fresh sense of who He is. Maybe you haven’t really seen God as your “all in all.” The one who liberated out of darkness into light. Don’t be like the Israelites, on a journey that should have taken forty days turned into forty years; Let God do a quick work and allow Him to work in you and through you.