Please send your Praise Reports to:
praise the lord!
provision and protection
I praise and thank God for the provision and protection that we have been blessed with as a church!
He continues to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or think according to His power at work within us.
Glory to God!
Praise the Lord!
For safe travels
In the past 6 weeks I have put in over 5 thousand miles of travel across the country and international borders. I praise God that he has kept me and my family safe each and every one of those miles, even through perilous mountain blizzards! Lord you are present every time we take a step. Thank you!
Praise the lord!
for my father’s legacy
I praise the lord for the gift of my father, who recently passed. I am so privileged to call such a talented, creative, God-fearing man my dad. I was amazed at the outpouring of stories and recollections of the lives he has touched literally all over the world. It was truly a blessing to receive such good reports in the midst of grief and tragedy. I praise God for his life, his incredible music, and his Christ-centered missions in dozens of countries and scores of communities. He is an inspiration, thank you Lord.
praise the lord!
Funding missions work
Praise God for fully funding my three (3) month mission trip within three (3) weeks. I am trusting the Lord to reach the lost.
praise the lord!
he plants gifts along our pathways
I would like to praise God for the plan he has for me, a plan I did not accept until six (6) months ago.
I would like to praise God for the old man that stopped at my second job while in the military, sitting down for a couple hours and changing my life.
I would like to praise God for putting a teacher in my path to fill me with knowledge and positivity.
I would like to praise God for putting a 2-time bank robber and convicted felon in my life to teach me about Jesus and Christianity, even though it was only a short span of time, I am proud to call him friend.
I would like to praise God or getting me to TLC, and then I would like to praise Jesus for the men and women at TLC that teach me something new every day about my walk with the Lord.
In closing, I would like to praise God and Jesus for putting people in my path that have helped me become a better man, father, and person in this hopefully very long walk. AMEN.
praise the lord!
We are his precious babes
We are GOD’s babies. What’s the most important thing to GOD? That job we want? The new house? To be cured of our any ailments? What’s most important to GOD is our relationship with Him. He will not allow anything to compromise that and when we pull away, He does not pull back but He will fervently seek us to draw us back. Sometimes this means allowing us to stumble enough to fall to our knees and look up at Him. But GOD also loves to give to His children just to bless them. And then I think about babies. How He delights me as a mom to bring smiles to their faces. There is no joy like it! We are GOD’s babies. When we think of our children, we understand how precious they are to us. We would do anything for them. We love them so much it actually hurts. GOD cradles us when we need it. He knows our needs more than we do. We can begin to understand GOD’s love for us by just looking at the love we have for our children. Let us regress to a child-like faith. Let us approach the sometime dark roads ahead of us, knowing that the greatest light of all our Savor, has gone before us to prepare the way! Praise you GOD for helping me to learn that as old as I will get, as any of us will get, we will always be your babies. We are precious in your sight. Fearfully and wonderfully made in your image. Each one of designed has never been a mistake. Your designs are never flawed and we are all part of this Divine puzzle that you have created. We each play a part. We all have our special spot in the puzzle and with even one missing, the puzzle will be incomplete! How reassuring to know this. To know that no matter how small we may sometimes feel; how inadequate, our place in the puzzle will never be lost. We belong to YOU.
praise the lord!
Healer & protector
I would like to thank God for a good report after my son experienced an injury while helping me do yard work. I thought his foot was broken, but thank God it was only a muscle injury. My son is recuperating and we are relieved.
praise the lord!
Financial blessings
I want to thank the Father for a financial blessing in sales associated with my job. I was able to make up a quota short fall from January through March in a single sale! Beyond that sale, several other likely orders are pending or in process. This has been a blessing to the company, the customer and to our family. Thank you Y’shua!
praise the lord!
Blessings in Business
The Lord has chosen to continue to bless my business with great referral partners, clients and staff. I want to acknowledge the Lord as Jehovah Jireh our Provider. He is the PROMISE Keeper and we can rest knowing He is faithful.
praise the lord!
for prayer partners
During the 40-days of Prayer I was blessed to join with several other prayer partners late every evening for a time of prayer (via conference call). The time together in the Lord’s presence meant so much. Words do not express accurately the confidence, direction and strength the Lord gave through this fellowship. I am grateful for the lesson learned to not grapple with man – rather give our challenges to the Lord and observe his mighty hand at work…all to His glory.
Praise you my sweet LORD for your perfect plan!
praise the lord!
in him there is hope
I continue to hang onto hope because I know WHO our GOD is. At times it has seemed as if this hurt and struggle would never end. Keep going. Keep hanging on. GOD will see us through. There IS a greater purpose! Days can feel like months, months like years but, "tis everything there is a season."
We have endured a pretty long and challenging season but, just as we cannot see the new flowers of spring blooming yet, we know and trust that spring WILL come. We have HOPE in it. I am trusting that GOD has a beautiful spring planned for our lives and he does for EVERYONE who comes to accept him. A time where we can plant many seeds of his love and watch as his divine intervention blossoms in our life. We may not be there yet but I continue to hang onto hope because of him and I thank him for giving me the stories in the bible that reveal that very often, struggle is not a reflection of his lack of presence, but of his working hands molding us and preparing us while we anxiously watch and wait to see his sovereign plan over our loves.
praise the lord!
he never stops pursuing us
Praise our LORD who understands our "walls" and instead of expecting us to tear them down, is a GOD who knows us so dearly that he climbs them to reach us, when the world draws us to put them up. As life can have it, deep hurt has been a part of my family's life; as so many of us encounter as we walk this path we call life. I've always worried that I couldn't just "let go and let GOD." I didn't know how. I still don't know how. I want to trust but when you have experienced so much loss of trust, it is hard to not project this onto GOD. But our GOD is showing me through beautiful messages and people, that he understands why we have put them up. He was there. He doesn't need me to tear them down to reach me or my children. He IS THE ALMIGHT GOD and he will come to his lost sheep, forever pursuing us because of his infallible love for us.
Thank you LORD for loving me when I have not loved myself. Thank you LORD for knowing how hard I try and want to do better but your love, your mercy, your purpose and your blessings over my life have nothing to do with my abilities but rather, your incomprehensible adoration for your children.
praise the lord!
your perfect plan
Father I thank you for never giving up on me and I know this to be true because of your infallible love for us. Being a child of yours truly feels like a privilege and I am just in so much awe at what a wonderful GOD you are. Everything in this world is circumstantial, but with you it isn't. You are bigger than our darkest days and as we ride out the valleys, it is so helpful to remember that because of you, if we accept you, we are all guaranteed a happy ending!
At times, we question our purpose and to trust the future. Bad things happen to "good" people and good things happen to "bad" people (as per our perspective) but this is so hard for our human minds to grasp. You know this. You understand this. You DESIGNED us, each one of us, with a purpose and a plan. Even if we give up, you do not!
praise the lord!
walking with us through trials
Praising GOD through this next trial in my family's life. It has been challenging, scary, and even disappointing for so long. Now, in the face of yet another crisis, I believe I am seeing GOD so clearly. I didn't want this but maybe our family needed it. My children and I are domestic violence survivors. We weren't allowed to practice our faith in our home; which was often an extremely turbulent and hostile place to be. We left on a leap of faith, only to find ourselves amidst more and more complications. GOD did not answer many prayers. It was heart wrenching but, BUT....wouldn't it be JUST LIKE GOD to use all of these hardships, unanswered prayers and times where we kept going, despite only a mustard seed of faith, to help us to trust him even more, to glorify him and to one day be a testimony for others? Since we left, I remarried. This man was an answered prayer in my heart; I just wanted someone to finally love my children and I without hurting us. I wanted so desperately to immerse myself in my faith. We fell in love and we both shared a strong desire to commit our family to GOD and live for him. Coming from a place where we couldn't even say the name, Jesus, never mind not even being allowed to attend church seemed like a dream.
Sadly, not long after, my husband, an alcoholic, relapsed. It was devastating for all of us. He went missing for a few days, requiring me to put a "missing person" in order and spend night after night crying and worrying that he would be found dead. After this, there were many more days filled with police visits because of his behavior. We had just found out that I was pregnant and I was very sick. He was hospitalized and I grew even sicker, dangerously sicker. I began having major health complications and was taken by ambulance to the hospital where I would spend the next few weeks. My body and the pregnancy were not handling the stress. We lost the baby not long after. How could this happen? We had so much love, hope and dreams of such a beautiful future, serving the LORD. I wondered where I went wrong. Where we went wrong? Why didn't GOD STOP this? Lots and lots of "whys" and tears.
He was blessed to come to a program that not only seems to be healing his heart in ways like never before, but the children and I are meeting beautiful people who have been such a blessing to us! I am excited to see what the future holds. What does GOD have planned for us? Maybe this dream in my heart would finally come to fruition!
It would be JUST LIKE GOD to know better than me and understand that the only way our family could truly begin to heal, would be to use this as a major intervention. Praise you LORD, for this and I pray so deeply that you use this to add to our story and our testimony and purpose to serve you!"
Praise the lord!
fellowship with the saints
I want to praise God for the deep fellowship with all the saints who agreed to enter into prayer together during the 40 days. The blessing touched my personal life in too many ways to mention here; but I will testify that entering into His presence each morning, I experienced the awesome presence of The Lord in a more deeply intimate Way. At the same time, I was also in daily wonder of His Majesty, as the Truth that I am a member in the Greater Body of Christ came alive and grew stronger every day. Thank You, Abba, for commanding us to pray. It truly blesses us individually and corporately. Most of all, I am grateful to be a part of the obedience that blesses, honors, pleases, serves, loves YOU.
I am profoundly grateful for the Love, Power and Authority, of God that was multiplied and spread among my greater household in heaven and here, on earth; during our 40 days of unity in prayer to The Lord. How good it is when the brethren are in one accord with YHWH. Thank You for drawing us closer to You and into whole and holy agreement to be still and hear; to listen to (trust and obey) You, Lord.. Thank You Abba, Yeshua and Ruach for choosing us to be Your sheep who hear Your voice. Yes, Lord! Let it be so!
All praises and glory to our Great God! The One True God! Only He is worthy of our praises. Only He is the God who hears our prayers. Only He is the God who is Sovereign and mighty to answer our prayers in perfect love and perfect wisdom. Thank you, all saints who came into agreement in love for Our Lord and one another. Your prayers blessed me and my household in more ways than I can say here. I will share that The Lord poured down His teaching, anointing, and appointing during our 40 days of seeking His face. He advanced my discipleship and my outreach to others; in ways that I would never think of or imagine; with people I would never have thought to approach; in ways I would never have even thought possible! Hallelu YAH!
Thank you, Lord!
Praise the lord!
We had the absolute pleasure of witnessing the amazing beauty of God’s creation at Zion National Park. His splendor and glory in nature - breath-taking, awe-inspiring, and bearing witness to his Greatness as Creator God. What a blessed opportunity.
Praise the lord!
I want to thank the Father for a financial blessing in sales associated with my job. I was able to make up a quota short fall from January through March in a single sale! Beyond that sale, several other likely orders are pending or in process. This has been a blessing to the company, the customer and to our family. Thank you Y’shua!
I would like to thank God for a good report after my son experienced an injury while helping me do yard work. I thought his foot was broken, but thank God it was only a muscle injury. My son is recuperating and we are relieved.
praise the lord!
safe passage
We just drove through some of the worst weather conditions of our lives. God saw us safely through to our destination, even when we were at a loss in the situation. We put on praise music and gave it all to Him. Here we are, safe and sound, praise the Lord!
Praise the lord!
God’s favor
For some time, one of the things I do is writing. One of my favorite Authors is Christopher Paolini, and he wrote many books that I love, he inspired me to write my own book, and in the middle of March I was seeking help for my writing. So I decided to reach out to my favorite Author Christopher Paolini, and wrote him a short letter asking him for some tips and tricks to improve my writing. Weeks after weeks I thought he would never respond to my letter, But I still had some hope and on April 13 I got a letter from him with two pages of detailed tips and a signed picture and letter. For God had favor in me, for nothing can happen without his approval.
praise the lord!
an outlet for delight
I am grateful for Promise Bible Study, for the opportunity to share with brothers and sisters in Christ His word, blessings and gifts, celebrating together the marvelous works he does in each of our lives, and the ability to gather them all and record it here in this space. It is remarkable to know that so many around the world are praying and praising Him together! What a delight for our Heavenly Father, and for us in return as well. Thank you for all the encouragement I have received through the shared reports of His Body.
Thank you, Father, for my sweet child. Truly he is a gift to me, from you. Thank you for entrusting him into my care. Help me teach him in your ways.
praise the lord!
for getting skooled
Thank you, Lord, for those times that we receive "teaching moments" - when we think we know so much, and are humbled; when we Do know something, and must remain patient; when we face an adversary, and are challenged into a deeper faith; when we face disappointment to realize "it's not about me." I am in a situation in which I am forced to discern, when I realize, my plans and desires are nothing compared to yours. Thank you, Lord for keeping us sharp, pruned, and awake.
praise the lord!
I am grateful for forgiveness. Thank you, Lord, for your constant forgiveness of all that I have been and all that I have not been - of all that I have done and all that I have not done - that is out of alignment with who you created me to be. It is only through your mercy that I am able to venture forth, each new day, with a clean slate and an unburdened heart. And thank you for the gift or your mercy in me, that my heart - and the hearts of others - might be unburdened through my forgiveness of the trespasses of my brothers and sisters.
praise the lord!
seeing Christ through others
Lord, I thank You for all the people in my life who have shown me the face of Christ. They have been such an encouragement to me, demonstrating the fruits of the Spirit, and the earthly embodiment of Your heavenly presence and truth. Thank you, Lord, for the saints You place in my path, for Your twinkle in their eyes.
praise the lord!
the treasure of friendship
I am grateful for friends: for being accepted when I moved to a new town. For people who reached out to me as a stranger, pulled me into their circle and treated me as one of their own. I am grateful that I have people who are looking out for me and my child - care about our safety, our well-being, our happiness, and our relationship with the Lord. I am equally grateful that I can add something to their lives - that I can watch out for them, and that I have the opportunity to bear witness to Him in my own unique way. Praise God for our dear human relationships and kindred spirits.
praise the lord!
fruits of the spirit - not always easy, but rewarding
Lord how grateful I am to be receiving lessons in humility, patience, and long-suffering; to temper my tongue, to quiet my ego, to slow my stress, to take a deep breath. These spiritual gifts truly change the entire atmosphere.
praise the lord!
blessed to be a blessing
Praise God that I have a healthy body, a bright mind, healthy food and clean water available to me, opportunities for education, edification, pleasure, therapy, medicine, expression, creativity, worship, exercise, and rest. I live in a place that is beautiful, clean, safe, wealthy in resources, connections, and ideas. Lord may I never take the life you have gifted me with for granted! May I have the opportunities to share that which which I am blessed.
praise the lord!
I am thankful for Jim Cymbala of Brooklyn Tabernacle, for his preaching this Sunday...
I am grateful that Satan does not have a hold on me, but I can resist him in the name of Jesus any time.
praise the lord!
blessing through work
...For allowing me to help my clients and patients through Massage Therapy. I am truly blessed every time.
praise the lord!
reports from the mission field
Last week we had our first expedition into the bush in the village of Mafuta, about a 10 hour truck ride from base. A lot of religious oppression, very skewed theology, and very heavily involved in witchcraft. There are actually 3 churches there but none of them preach the Gospel, only the Law. We split up into teams and visited those churches, and an entire congregation including the Pastor ended up getting saved!
One quick story: we were doing house to house ministry and passed an older man while he was gardening. He popped his head out of the fence and said he had heard that we were praying for people and wanted to be prayed for. He said he had been limping for months and was experiencing severe pain in one of his legs that made it hard to farm. So we prayed and asked him to stand up after the prayer. He did and stomped his foot. And stomped it again and had complete joy enter his face as he realized he was healed. He then said to our translator that he was so happy that he could now run after his chickens. We then asked if he knew Jesus and he said no. So I got to preach the creation story and the gospel and he joyfully accepted Christ. We told him about the Holy Spirit and he said he wanted to receive that power so he could pray for the other headman in his village to be healed. Afterwards he gave us a tour of his garden and the entire way he kept stomping his foot and praising God for his healing. I asked for a picture in his field and he said sure! And then ended up dancing in the field!
praise the lord!
The gift of the holy spirit
On this blessed Feast of Pentecost, I want to thank God for sending His Spirit to be with us. How amazing that not only did he send His Son to save us, but that He didn't stop there! He send Himself to dwell within us - what a a miracle - what a gift! God is not only in our midst, but in our very beings. This is precious and magnificent beyond words, beyond comprehension. Our Father, Your presence is tangible, it is our compass, our power, our strength and comfort. How much you must truly love us to dwell within our bodies of clay. Praise, honor and glory be to you, Father, for your deep, unfathomable love.
praise the lord!
Sharing Gifts with others
Praise God for all the wonderful people I get to work with! For people without whom I wouldn't be able to share my gifts, who in turn get to share more of their gifts with others, and because of that we all get to be more of who God made us to be. Dwelling more and more in His presence and glorifying Him and His creation in the process! And praise God for being able to provide for ourselves and our families by sharing the gifts and talents He generously gave to us through His great goodness!
praise the lord!
His ever-presence
"It’s so good to know.. and I praise Him for the promise of always hearing us.. when we cry out in faith.. He always hears.. never abandons us never forsakes us..when we turn to Him in faith.. thank you Lord for always being there.. you are so faithful to us! So grateful for your steadfast love for us! Thank you, Father."
praise the lord!
the gift of peace
The Lord has gifted me with so much peace. Events that would have thrown me for a loop in the past are now minor ripples in a tranquil stream of faith, trust, obedience, humility, long-suffering, and joy, even in the face of adversity. Sometimes we forget the hand of the Almighty behind every single event in our lives, but certainly this is something I can not attribute to anything but Him because it is so unlike my fleshy self, so seemingly unusual - to me, peace in my life is equivalent to being miraculously healed from a deadly disease, and indeed, is it not the same? Does not anger, worry, and anxiety eat away at our well-being? People say to me, "you are so easy-going, so steady." Ha! They should have seen me 12 years ago! It is the Lord who has transformed my spirit; I praise God every day for the fruiting of the gifts of His Spirit in my life.
praise the lord!
Ministry Through social media
We are so grateful to report that our PBS video has over 1400 views! This is a big step for us, as we started off as a handful of women in a living room. It is amazing to consider the how the Internet can be used for ministry and sharing the gospel! We are so grateful to every single person who is part of the 31Days of Praise - how good it is to worship our Lord together. We are half way through our Praise season, and encourage folks to send in praise reports and statements of gratitude, big and small. It is so encouraging to the Body of Christ to hear the testimonies of his work through each other. Deep gratitude for all who support this ministry or any ministry, to share the good news and strengthen the Church.
United, we delight in Him!
praise the lord!
God is our Strength and Shield
Because of His blood, His mercy and grace, we have not just overcome, we have endured for years with physical pain and depression. God held us through all trials! Delighting and giving thanks to God has shown us why He is worthy of our praise. What are any of our experiences compared to His glory in ordering our path. We have been able to delight in Him, give thanks in bearing through...we remain standing and delighted in God because we have already been healed. Amen!
praise the lord!
freedom from worry
Jesus told us not to worry. Worry was how I lived my life. It never occurred to me that it could be sinful to worry. That I was not only disobeying Jesus, but dishonoring the Father and who he created me to be by worrying. Now I know that the reason for worry is not trusting Him, not believing in Him, lacking faith. The only reason for worry is not believing in His sovereignty AND His goodness. If I'm worried about the way things will go, or that they might not go in a way that I like or prefer, I am being prideful and/or doubting his character. I still worry sometimes, but it's short-lived, and I know I don't have to. I have a choice. I can choose to worry, or I can seek Him out, and I will be comforted, every time. I am most grateful that I no longer have to worry. Thank you, Lord.
praise the lord!
for my mother/ a christian upbringing
I am grateful for my mother, who raised me in a Christian household, who taught me about Jesus and the Bible, who sent me to Christian school, who will pray with me, discuss scripture with me, discern with me - experience joy with me! I am so grateful to have this Christian foundation that I build upon every day.
praise the lord!
for the morning
I am grateful for waking up into a beautiful spring morning; for breath; for my body being able to move; for my son's sleepy face and morning cuddles; for birds singing; for fragrant mountain flowers; for the sun warming my floorboards; for a hot shower; for eggs and coffee; for my job to go to; for a hungry meowing cat; for my daily devotional time; for Your friendship with me during prayer; for the peace that you give me to last throughout the entire day.
Lord, how grateful, how amazed I am that You use every circumstance in my life. When I look back, I see in retrospect how even the tough times, even the mistakes, even the little things are not wasted by You, are not overlooked. Rather, they are infused with grace, mercy, transformation, development, teachings...each reflection on the steps leading up to today are opportunities for humility, repentance, joy, and even laughter, as I shake my head in utter amazement of Your exquisite orchestrations that I, in my limited wisdom, could never have plotted out. Lord, even Your chastisement is a piece of my personal puzzle, as I watch the beautiful image of my life take form one day, one moment at a time. How grateful I am for Your divine map for my life, my unique journey, detours, hurdles, pitfalls and all. I know that as long as I continue to keep You as my compass, indeed nothing will be lost. Your grace points the way, Your Spirit guides my steps. Thank you, Lord, for leading me with Your firm, loving rod and staff.
praise the lord!
emotional transformation
"I used to be angry. For almost as long as I can remember, I was angry. I didn't know why. I didn't know how angry I was. People asked why I was angry and I got angry at them for asking. I was angry at people for no reason, I was angry at people there was no reason to be angry with. I didn't know what life had in store for me and I was angry about that, because I was scared. Too many times I didn't get my way in life and I was angry, because it hurt. I didn't know He was a good Father. I didn't know that He had good in store for me. I didn't know that it wasn't all up to me, that I could lean on Him, that I could rely on His way to be good if I didn't get my way. I know that now. I know that He loves me more than I can even imagine. For a father to give the life of his only son, for a wretch like me - that kind of love is unheard of. That's how He loves me. And even those words barely begin to plumb the depths of His fathomless love for me. All I need to do is pay attention, and He will show me the way. All I need to do is to ask, and listen, and He will direct me. All I need to do is follow His direction, and He will lead me to my good. And if I stray, or misconstrue His direction, all I need to do is recognize that, and turn and run to Him, and He will catch me in His arms. He's a good Father. I know that now. And I am no longer angry."
The gratitude of a child:
"I am grateful for my church. I like being with the kids in my Sunday School."
praise the lord!
The Spirit is Alive!
I thank God that He keeps coming up in conversation and discussion in secular circles: at work, with friends in causal conversation, even in online chat forums...I truly feel that the Holy Spirit is in a season of quickening - many can feel it - both believers and nonbelievers...and I praise the Lord that I have been gifted the responsibility and placed in a position of participating in these conversations, able to bear witness for Him, and to shepherd people - as the Spirit moves - actively according to His will and purpose.
praise the lord!
His Peace & presence
My father is out of the hospital and his spirits are high. Thank you, Lord for being with him.
* * *
The Lord's presence is with me more regularly - or should I say, more observably, or more welcomed...I have had more peace, more evenness, patience, long-suffering, and a genuine sense of "okay-ness" that I have never felt before. And when that feeling rushes in during times I'd otherwise become emotional, I feel Him - the Spirit is tangible, so I never doubt, and never forget, that it's God With Us that truly has developed these spiritual fruits. I am learning what it means to be "well with my soul" and I praise God every day out loud when I receive a gust of patience before I loose my balance. Praise the Lord for His peace and presence.
praise the lord!
Healing Miracles
A woman from my online Bible group has suffered from eczema on her hands for a long time. Recently she met a woman who was talking about the healing power of prayer. She asked the woman to pray over her hands, and the itching immediately stopped; 3 days later, the eczema had totally cleared. Praise the Lord for his healing touch, for the faith to move mountains, and the Godly gifts bestowed among our brethren.
The gratitude of a child:
I'm grateful for my home. I'm grateful for water. I'm grateful for my family. I'm grateful for friends.
praise the lord!
Healing Miracles
A woman from my online Bible group was driving behind a log truck when a log came loose and smashed into her car! This could have certainly killed her but she walked away almost unscathed. The Lord was surely with her, hallelujah!
praise the lord!
Healing Miracles
A little girl we have been praying for who is in critical care is off her vent and breathing on her own. Thank you Lord!!!
* * *
A man in my church had a miraculous healing to a broken arm that astounded the doctors! Thank you for reavealing Your power through healing!
* * *
A young man from my church had a terrible car accident that should have killed him but he is alive to tell the tale. Lord you are always with us, and you have plans for us. We thank you.
praise the lord!
Lord, thank you for bringing such wonderful people into my life - you have plans for all our lives, and how sweet it is indeed when paths cross, souls bond, friendships blossom, support networks build, and opportunities are created. I get a chance to be a light - to witness to all the people you have placed around me. Thank you, Father, for kinship, brother and sisterhood, companionship, community.
praise the lord!
Our Father
Thank you, Lord, that we can call you Father - you have given us the awesome privilege of being called the sons and daughters of the Most High, if we call upon your name, repent of our sins, and accept your plan of salvation. Father, we love You with all our heart, soul and mind.
praise the lord!
his creation astounds me
For so long, I sought comfort in anything but every day life, which seemed so awful. Now, daily, I am astounded at His creation - the extra-ordinariness of a blade of grass, the fathomless complexity of the human body. Every bit of His creation is so miraculous, so out of this world, there is no longer any need to be out of this world.
praise the lord!
Giving Him all
Lord, Your ways are higher, better, all knowing - as I give You every aspect of my life - You guide my words and actions to love others and honor You - thank You, Father - all the glory is yours alone, and we receive true inner peace.
praise the lord!
Being present to others
Today when dropping of my son at school, I was approached by a woman whose daughter is part of his circle of friends. I don't know her very well, but she reached out to me saying she needed someone to talk with. She is having difficulty with her marriage and was on the verge of leaving her husband. I was the closest person she knew who had gone through a separation. We had a very deep heart to heart and we came to the conclusion that she was not ready to leave her marriage - that it would not be the right decision at the moment. I believe the Lord was working through me to save her marriage - at least for another day, another step. What's amazing is that I had a coffee date with someone else that morning but it was cancelled the night before. Also, I just happened to be late dropping off my son, and had I been on time, we would not have crossed paths on the yard. The Lord's timing is impeccable. I am grateful that He uses me, and am so grateful this woman had the humility and courage to tell me what was going on, even though we don't know each other. I got to pray over her, which she accepted gladly and said, "I will keep those words with me." She is not a Christian - perhaps a seed was planted.
praise the lord!
Thank you, Lord, for Your faithfulness in providing our needs and the needs of our church family all for the Lord's glory. Requests made with intentions were answered anonymously, showing the Lord's faithfulness and love!
praise the lord!
Random Christian encounters
This afternoon I was walking along the beach when a young man sitting on a bench spoke out to me to pray for peace. I turned to him and concurred, and he went on to talk about prayer and Christ...I sat down next to him and we ended up having an hour long conversation about so many deep, powerful spiritual insights and Biblical's just such a blessing to know there are other believers out there - and a good reminder that you never know who people are and where they're coming from when you pass them on the street.
Praise the Lord!
Understanding through scripture
Through the Holy Spirit, the Lord time and time again provides understanding and direction through Scripture. Thank you Lord for loving us so much to give us your word.
Praise the lord!
Opportunity to share the gospel
Today I had the opportunity to share the gospel with an older woman who was homeless and Jewish. I told her that Jesus died for her sins, and that God loves her. This took place at the Salvation Army thrift store. I went there to see if the gown I donated had been sold; this was not by chance, but the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord, praise His Holy Name! I am always humbled by this. The harvest is plenty but the workers are few. God bless!
Praise the lord!
Delighting in Him
I love to bring you You JOY! You deserve the best of my talents and time.
Praise the lord!
Faith like a child
It is a deep joy to experience watching my son grow in the Lord. He is very interested in hearing Bible stories and has a stunning grasp of all aspects of the Trinity. It is a gift to see faith through his innocent, fresh, inquisitive world-view. He is particularly fond of King David and loves participating in liturgy at church. Praise the Lord for this blessed child!
Praise the Lord!
I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve in a local faith-based organization and witness the transforming power of our Lord in the lives of those served. Once lost now saved, with hearts to love and serve their Heavenly Father and others. Truly miraculous!
Praise the Lord!
A joyful Calling
I am so grateful to have the opportunity to use my gifts and joys to serve the Lord as worship director at a wonderful church, full of beautiful people, hungry for His Spirit. The Lord has blessed me and I give all the glory to Him!
Praise the Lord!
Christ in Me...
Christ is my hope and glory - through Him, I am a saint of God, rather than a mere sinner.
Thankfulness for attending a Brooklyn tabernacle, and for being a member of a men's Bible study called "Be Transformed."
Abba the Father my Creator reveals His love to us in every way and every moment that we choose to see His creations of beauty, so meticulously expressed, in every flower and leaf and seed, in every harvest. The beauty and deoth of His love for me surpasses all!
Praise the Lord for the beauty we find in Him and the beauty of His handiwork - the majestic rugged mountains and the nurturing meadows - the diversity in the change of seasons, stillness of the sunrise and birth of a new day, brilliance of the setting sun...
We celebrate the opportunities and gifts of each day, the transformation of seeds to abundant harvest.
THANK YOU Master - Designer - Creator of all that was, is and will become!
Adoption into the Kingdom
Lord, thank You for adopting me. Thank You for keeping me close to You, in Your fold, and even when I stray, You go looking for me. You promised to never leave me, and because of that, I am no longer a slave to fear, for I am truly a child of God. (Galatians 4:7)
Agape Love
Lord, thank you for your example of love and your Word that leads us to a deeper understanding of your agape love. Thank you that you are true and when we ask you will touch our heart to truly love those people you have put in our lives. Thank you for your faithfulness and the work of the Holy Spirit in us. Thank you for the beautiful description of true love set out in I Corinthians chapter 13. It is a blessing and has made a life changing difference in my life and my relationship with others. Your example of love has truly preserved my most treasured relationships – the real desire of my heart. Thank you Lord. Your enduring love never fails. You love the unlovable and have taught us to similarly love those who do not love us in return. Thank you for showing your love at the cross - the greatest gift of LOVE.
Local Church Receives many blessings
A Kingston, NY church has incredible praise report regarding the purchase and renovation of their new building. "Tell the story and help bring people and glory to God!"
"Through the generosity of the sellers, the building was purchased for roughly 1/3 the original price...the sellers financed 80% of the purchase...we received a unanimous approval from the town planning board in less than the required time needed for approval, with incredible support from the planning board, town assessor, and town supervisor (who called from his vacation to make sure we had all we needed!) Our architect donated his services...over $10,000 of gravel was donated by local company for free...asphalt was donated for free...through our Driven By Love Stewardship Campaign, we grew spiritually and gave with joyful sacrifice. The pledges received were more than 400% of what a church our size was told might be possible...we were able to finance the renonvation with no interest loans...partner churches from around the country traveled to serve with us and volunteered thousands of hours to help renovate...we have ministered to and shared the gospel with dozens of people outside the church (contractors, delivery men, suppliers, etc...)...[our congregation] has prayed, given sacrificially, and served by volunteering thousands of hours...God's work in us and through us is just beginning. He has been gracious and faithful! "
Resting Easy in Him
I used to be filled with anxiety,
Now I am filled with Your Spirit.
I used to feel life slipping through my fingers,
Now I know that life is in Your grasp.
People say to me,
"You're doing so well under the circumstances!"
My hope, my strength, my endurance comes from the Lord!
Praise the Lord for giving me patience, tranquility, courage, and peace.
All things are possible through Him, therefore, I need not wonder about any outcome.
Seeing Him through Others
Lord, I thank You for all the people in my life who have shown me the face of Christ. They have been such an encouragement to me, demonstrating the fruits of the Spirit, and the earthly embodiment of Your heavenly presence and truth. Thank you, Lord, for the saints You place in my path, for Your twinkle in their eyes.
PRAISE The Lord!
The Victory is Ours Through the Almighty!
Lord God, thank You for Your Word.
Jesus Christ, thank You for Your Blood.
Holy Spirit, thank You for Your Armor.
Because of these gifts, these promises, this holy equipment,
We know that the battle is already won, that we, through You, are victorious.
We need not fear, we can stand firm, we can take heart.
Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty!
Yes, Abba
I want to Thank HaShem for Loving us so much that He sent Yeshua His Son to give us eternal Life, and I want to thank Yeshua our Lord and Savior for saying "Yes Abba, I will do all you ask of me!"
He knew what it would take to save man from there sins, and in His obedience and Love for HaShem His Father, and for us, He suffered and died.
I am thankful of the love that was poured on the cross,
God drawing me to His Son,
For all miracles,
All God ideas,
All supernatural experiences,
God appointments,
All prayers, family, friends, jobs, intercessors,
All that God creates.
Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness, for Your unfathomable example of wiping away all debt and grievances. Thank you for the challenge to forgive others. Indeed, You must have our paths cross with those with whom we have difficult relationships for an important reason, because it teaches us the depth of love, grace, mercy, and peace that is given to us through Christ Jesus, and that which we will also receive through the act of cancelling the debt of others in our lives. Lord I thank you for seeing my own failures and frailty through others...and the more compassion I have on the shortcomings of us all, the more I am able to receive Your blessed gifts and be in closer relationship with others and with You.
"Thank You for bringing people into my life."
Lord God, thank you for all of your children who each have a different calling, a unique finger print, a story-filled face. May I see Christ in each person, and may they see Him through me. Thank you for every opportunity You present me with, Lord, to meet and interact with people. May You use me to bring others close to You. May I be a light, as Christ called us to be. Thank You, Jesus, for giving us this mandate and for equipping us for the job.
Thy Will Be Done!
PRAISE The Lord!
Delighting in Him
Delighting in Him (Psalm 37:4) is the Key Verse of Promise Bible Study. Our vision is to be a joy to our Heavenly Father. I thank the Lord for this reciprocal delight between Him and myself, which also flows out into the world around me, to others. I am so grateful for being a part of Promise Bible Study - for all the Spirit-filled women I've gotten to know, for the community of ministry it has opened up for me, and for the dedication it has prompted me to undertake, being in the Word and creatively expressing myself for Him every day. What agift, a joy!
Transformation and Equipping
I cannot thank God enough for transforming my beautiful daughter to be a follower of Christ and a spokesperson for His truth. This has been a prayer of mine for years and to see God’s grace at work in her life fills my heart with so much gratitude and praise that I can hardly contain my joy. It overflows in my prayers and in my praises to this amazing, loving, gracious, faithful God that we serve. Not only has He turned her heart toward Him, but He is equipping her through His Word and Holy Spirit to lead others to the power of His love. Thank You God. I am truly humbled and blessed by your amazing gift of Grace. Praise and honor and glory be Yours!
Sustainer and Provider
I am so very thankful to God for His provision of leadership for our upcoming Bible Study year to begin in September here in Michigan. We have been praying about this all year and we will have 7 new leaders starting in the fall. God is good and faithful to His Word. He is our Provider and Sustainer. Gratefully asking God to use us this fall to proclaim His saving Truth to make new disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
My daughter has begun to seek the Lord once again with Bible Study, prayer and church attendance.
My daughter's relationship with her Dad has become important to her and to him. That is a big praise for me!!
Family Unity
My daughter wants to be around us where as a year ago we felt she did not want to be; she is asking advice for her future and allowing us to be a part of it.
Medical Success
My sister has gone through two successful cancer treatments.
My relationship with my sister is intentional now.
Spiritual Development
The 40 days of prayer has expanded my prayer list from our community to our world.
Growth in the Body of Christ
God is bringing new people to our Church weekly.
Spiritual Development
I am more aware of God's hand in situations and people’s lives.
Sharing the Gospel
I have had several opportunities to share truth with people and I am so thankful to God for these opportunities.
I want to express my gratitude for posting praise reports - they are such an encouragement; it is a joy to read about how God is working in the lives of so many people.
Parents who Raise their Children in Christ
Especially for Mother's Day - I want to acknowledge my mom who has been such a spiritual leader and Godly inspiration in my life, raising me in Christ, encouraging me in my faith walk, sending me to Christian school, and praying for me every day.
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I am so grateful for my mom who acknowledges her Heavenly Father in ALL her ways and lives a life of PRAISE. Thank you mom <3
Thank you that we can call you Father.
For Transforming Lives
A celebration of transformed lives. After chapel service a young man gave his heart to the Christ. He has been an alcoholic since he was 12 years old. Two other gentleman both committed their lives to serving Christ in reaching others for the Lord.
Reflections on Him
To reflect the presence of the Father, we must rely on the Son. We are the branch and He is the vine. Every believer is a farmer. We put our hands to the plow and never look back. Taste and see that the Lord is good, His love endures forever. To God be all the glory and all the praise.
Thank you, God, for my incredible women's Bible Study, that has deeply encouraged my faith, has helped me make positive connections,
keeps me grounded and focused, and reminds me that I am supported and loved. My sisters have truly been a blessing to me and have changed my life. I praise you, Lord, for putting the right people in our lives at the right time. Thank you for the Body of Christ!
We Share in the Death and Resurrection!
"I praise God that I have been made anew! That through Jesus death and resurrection, my old self is also dead, and I too have been born again! What a miraculous, amazing, utterly freeing gift this is! I praise God for the wonderful church that I have been attending that has given me this truth, this message so beautifully and powerfully. I praise God for anointed ministers who dedicate their time and effort to sharing the gospel. I praise God for the freedom to worship Him in this country. I praise God for fellowship with other believers who support and uplift each other, encourage each other in unity. I praise God for his Word, as it comes through his appointed elders and edifies the hearts and minds of His Body."
PRAISE THE LORD! Gratitude for Jesus
Lord, I thank you for the gift of Your Son! Through Him, I have been relieved of so much burden - guilt and shame - in my life. When I was born again, acknowledging Jesus as my savior, filled with the Holy Spirit, I was truly transformed, and was able to stand as a new person, free. Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your sacrifice. I thank You for Your love and Your compassion, Your Wisdom, Your Mercy. Jesus, how sweet is Your name! Even the utterance of it can heal my body! Your name upon my lips literally called me out of a very dark place. I give honor and glory to You, my Lord and Savior, for Your grace, Your gift, Your brotherhood, Your teachings, and Your beautiful example. Praise the Lord!
I have been involved in a court custody case. We'd been stuck at an impasse for almost a year. We were facing trial, which I did not want to enter because of the destruction I knew it would cause in our family on so many levels. God's timing was perfect: just when I was the most anxious about the case, I started the 40 Day Prayer Commitment. This "forced" me to be in the Word every day, and I got deeper into and more comfortable with my daily prayers. I even felt convicted to fast, focusing on God's promises, and I surrendered the situation into His hands, something I had not done at the beginning when the whole issue started; instead I acted from fear and sought the wisdom of human advocates, friends and legal advisors. I'm not saying that's wrong, but the focus was not on the Lord, so I missed out on his faithfulness and was fearing the paths in front of me rather than knowing God would help me walk down one in confidence.
As the trial date approached, rather than being filled with fear, I was filled with more reliance on the Lord. I knew He was with me and my child. He revealed to me answers through my prayer and fasting, and I took a chance and spoke those revelations, in His name, to my ex, who is not a believer. Within a matter of weeks, the entire dynamic began to shift. In fact, a miracle happened: his lawyer started looking out for me, and began agreeing with my concerns, validating my position on the matter which caused the impasse. This caused my ex to soften around the matter and finally recognized my truth in ease and graciousness. We ended up working TOGETHER with his lawyer and in 48 hours, drafted an agreement that felt comfortable to both of us.
After a year of fear, stress, and uncertainty, the issue was settled, the very day before the trial. The judge signed off on our agreement. Praise the Lord for his steadfastness! Praise Him for peace of mind, for allowing us to rest in Him, and for His unfaltering faithfulness. Truly miracles happen when we have faith, and surrender our situations completely into His wise, firm hands.
Praise You Lord!
For the passed 16 Years I have always felt Hashem calling me to be and do great things for His Kingdom. The moment I said YES to Hashem, I decided to follow His Word, His Spirit, and His Promises. I was excited and ready to shout His Name to the world. Yes - I was a little fireball! That's when my husband and I started the Third Day Ministries...19 years ago. We were excited to see the ministry grow, but time passed as my family grew, and the struggles of my husbands work kept us from seeing the ministry grow. The fire that started was no longer in sight. I was still loving the Father with all my heart, soul and body - my worship strong and consistent...but the passion to start the ministry was on hold. It was like someone pushed the pause button and did not let go....
Until April 20th 2017 - Woo Hoo!!! I praise God for a wise husband that knows what the family needs and when God is speaking. He scheduled a family trip to Pennsylvania to the Gathered the Scattered Conference. (The End Time Harvest Preparing for Messiah's Return). It was exactly what we needed to get that fire going, reigniting our passion for the Kingdom. As soon as we got home from the conference, we organized all our information and connections. We even have a website coming soon!
I praise God for these opportunities to teach the Word of the Most High, which I am doing presently, thanks to PBS, through a beginners Hebrew class.
Third Day Ministries is born from Obadiah 17: But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and Jacob will possess his inheritance. The First Day is Deliverance, The Second Day is Holiness, and the Third Day is Possession, Signifying the Greatness of God.
PRAISE THE LORD! Thank you for Your Word
"Heavenly Father,
Thank you for knowing us so well that You gave us your Word to speak to us moment by moment in our daily walk.
Your Word is as relevant today as it was in the time of the prophets and apostles. You alone are the same, yesterday, today and forever.
There are thousands of promises in Scripture and You are faithful to fulfill each such promise. Through Your faithfulness You have taught me that I can reach for my Bible with anticipation - it is my daily manna - my sustenance. Thank you.
Your Word offers assistance in all areas of life. Yesterday while contemplating the structure of a business succession plan for a Christian organization, You showed me as an example King David’s succession plan. I Chronicles 22 to 29.
When praying for guidance in a relationship You gently remind me of Your true love. I Corinthians 13 and John 3:16.
When looking for personal direction You clearly instruct us to set our mind on those things above. Colossians 3.
Thank you that we can depend on You as our Sovereign, all Loving Heavenly Father and for Your peace and guidance offered through Your Word. Shalom."
PRAISE THE LORD! All in God's Perfect Timing
"I have learned to rely on God's timing in new ways. A very difficult decision faced me, and I gave it to the Lord, praying every day, and even taking up a season of spiritual fasting for the first time. My relationship with the Lord became deliberate, intentional, interactive, and humble. By knowing that I was seeking an answer from the Lord in obedience, I knew that I didn't have to worry, and my decision-making process was peaceful, despite it being a major trial.
When the time to decide arrived, I knew that no matter what I chose was going to be right, for it was based on my time spent in prayer, fasting, and the Word, turning everything over to the Lord's wise council. I had faith in my decision because I had faith in God's renewal of my mind. Miraculously, people who has been giving me a hard time about what and how I should choose were at peace with my choice, even though it wasn't what they wanted for me, because they saw and understood how obedient I had been to the Lord throughout my process. So my obedience and reliance on the Lord not only strengthened my faith in Him, and in my own abilities to discern, but strengthened other's faith in me, through the working of the Holy Spirit in our midst and in our minds. Praise God for His promise that when we seek, we will find, and when we ask, we shall receive!"
PRAISE THE LORD! Delivered from Anxiety
"The Lord delivered me from anxiety - fear of the future, and obsessive rumination over a past of mistakes. When I gave my life to Christ, I woke up with confidence in the morning. I said, "Here I am, Lord! How will you use me today?" I did not know, and yet, that was OK! Because I knew that God had it all in control. Even things that seemed crazy and annoying always seemed to fall into place in some divine way. Whenever I start to spin into panic and I try to plan things way in advance, spending tons of time and energy trying to plot out my entire life, I turn to God and give it to Him. He sees the big picture, and I am eager to help him paint it, small brush stroke at a time."
We know that "With You, nothing is accidental, nothing is incidental, and no experience is wasted."
(Ruth Myers, 31 Days of Praise, Day 5, p49)
PRAISE THE LORD! Boldness and Confidence to Speak of Jesus on Social Media
"I have never been comfortable speaking about my faith in social media, for fear of offending someone, or getting into an awkward or even confrontational conversation. I assumed people will roll their eyes at my Christian comments and lash back at me. Then one day God moved me to take a risk and say something. I read on my feed a post by one of my "friends" - it was about a celebrity who was very lost and damaged. They were perversely oggling at her as one would a train wreck. I simply left the comment, "She needs Jesus." Wow did this simple comment open up a can of worms! This just goes to show the POWER in speaking the name of Jesus - I have never received more comments in any Facebook discussion! At first people ridiculed me and said "the LAST thing this girl needs is patronizing religious mind control!" "Oh by, here we go - here comes Jesus!" Lots of mockery of me and Christ. The "friend" said she didn't want Jesus posts on her wall.
But then someone expressed genuine curiosity - they simply wanted to hear what I had to say, give me the floor, so to speak. I calmly said out of respect for this person's wall, I would not discuss it openly, but invited him to privately message me to talk. Then the person whose wall it was granted me permission to speak. All eyes were on me - or rather, were on God. I shared the gospel and explained why I felt this lost celebrity would benefit from Jesus in her life. To my amazement, the ridicule stopped flat. No-one got on their knees asking God into their heart; no-one admitted anything...but neither did anyone continue the argument. It was silent, almost reverent. A few more comments were made that let me know that despite the silence, people were still reading and engaging...they just didn't know what to say. I have no idea what happened in this conversation for any of these readers, 99% of whom I do not know. But I know a seed was planted, and I praise God for moving in me, for giving me not only the words to say in that forum (they certainly didn't come from me!) but the boldness to say them in the first place. "For those who have ears to hear..." Praise you, Lord, for social media - for the ability to broadcast your message far and wide, across time and space, to millions of people."
PRAISE THE LORD! Success in Mediation - God's Mouthpiece
"Yesterday held a huge answer to prayer [through mediation] - a real celebration of the Lord’s presence and direction. There is so much value to doing your best - being prepared - and ready- then leaving the matter solely to the Lord."
PRAISE THE LORD! The True Cornerstone in Building My Business
"I have celebrated 10 years of business , blessed to be an all referral-based firm."
PRAISE THE LORD! Walking in His Light Shines Unto Others
"Thank you for Your earthly example. Help us understand the cost to You of providing Christ's example and help us to follow His footsteps. Thank you Father."
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"Through my walk with Christ, I am being an example at my workplace. My employer has stopped cursing in front of me, has asked clients to speak better words, is more honest in his business dealings, and has even joined me in prayer on a number of occasions! I went out on a limb and brought Christ to work with me, as that can be 'politically incorrect.' But God responds to obedience and has blessed us by being present in our office. 'For I am not ashamed of the gospel!' (Romans 1:16)"
Renewed Relationship with Scripture
Hebrews 4:12
"For the word of God is alive and active.
Sharper than any double-edged sword,
it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow;
it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
"Though I was raised a Christian and read many scripture passages growing up - even memorizing some (though by force through my school) - I didn't quite grasp that the Word WAS GOD. I knew this...but I didn't experience it...until I recently joined a Bible Study in which we were reading through the entire Bible, cover to cover. I had never done this before - only reading the particular passage given to me for assignments, or during a sermon.
Whew! I thought. What a dedication! Could I do it? Could I commit to reading every single day? Well, I did. And suddenly, the Bible came ALIVE! Though the characters, stories, miracles - yes...but it was more than that: the words took on deeper meanings; it was as if I were suddenly reading between the lines...they spoke to a part of my brain (or was it my heart) that I did not previously have access to, and I suddenly remembered the passages I'd heard in bygone Sunday school days, making connections, drawing conclusions, was...FUN!
What was once a rather dry and tedious requirement of reading scripture suddenly became a delight; I started waking up earlier in the morning so I had extra time to read my Bible before going to work. I listen to my Bible App which has a dictation mode when I take a bath or go to sleep...when I used to read devotionals that referenced scripture, I'd skip over them, thinking I'd gotten the gist of the message in the commentary. But now I eagerly research each passage, exited to see how they relate and connect to the interpretations presented by the authors of my books.
My praise report is over my renewed relationship with His Word, which has deepened my relationship with Christ, who IS THE WORD. I am thrilled that these words on a page that were once just flat, dead print have come alive to me, dancing their way poetically into my soul.
Praise God for the Living Word - the Bible, and His Son! Praise God for my Bible Study, and for the strength and perseverance He gave me to dive in. "Knock and the Door Shall be Opened unto You." Thank you, Lord for fulfilling that promise, opening the doors of our Word unto me. "
PRAISE THE LORD! Answered prayer and healing!
I prayed with a woman that had been struggling with pain in her gall bladder area. She had hers removed two years ago, and was now told she had gall stones blocking the duct. She called me to pray with her. We joined our faith to His, and that evening she noticed the pain was gone. She followed up with her doctor, who after taking tests told her that the stones he had seen previously were gone! Since then, she has gone back for more tests, and the doctors are baffled that ALL of her symptoms are gone, her levels are normal, and she gives all the glory to our King!
PRAISE THE LORD! Protection, Lessons
Young driver involved in an auto accident resulting in no injury - grateful for the Lord’s protection and lessons learned.
PRAISE THE LORD! Overcoming, Peace
Daughter and mom are overcoming a poor relationship through prayer and good communication - grateful for the mom’s peace.
PRAISE THE LORD! Beauty of Spring
Our Heavenly Father is the Master Designer and we are grateful for the beautiful spring blossoms and color brightening our landscape.
PRAISE THE LORD! Union in Christ
Thankful a Christian couple’s wedding engagement. They aim to serve the Lord first and love each other in a Godly manner. Grateful for the witness this couple has and will have on their peers and community as their light for the Lord shines bright.
PRAISE THE LORD! God's Gifts are Abundant
The first day of our 40-day prayer commitment I recorded this prayer in my journal:
I see how far He has brought me and I will not be swayed, removed, hopeless, sick, discouraged and I will lose no ground. Father I pray to see myself through your eyes. I am not forgotten or forsaken or too far gone. He me Lord, redeem me, save me, and heal me.
Fifty days later I feel light as a feather, loved beyond my wildest dreams, blessed with the luxury of a home that is full of, and surrounded by, so much beauty it blows my mind. And I just had a book signing at the local bookstore and there was an incredibly well crafted article about me in the newspaper and I lost weight and feel better and my knee is healed, my foot is stronger, I look good. Is it my Father’s eyes that I am seeing through? If so, may I always see life and myself this way. Thank You Jesus, I worship You and adore You God, and Holy Spirit You are the closest friend I’ve ever had.
PRAISE THE LORD! New Mobility for Missionaries Lilly and Joe Colluci
Exciting news!
We were recently able to purchase a jeep. It was much needed to help out with Lilly's role and ministry, within Livingstone especially. It's been exciting to see how much more we can accomplish with Lilly being mobile.
During our time of prayer the Lord was faithful and chose to reveal His direction clearly through Scripture. In praying for guidance the Lord repeated His direction multiple times (9 times to be exact). Through His faithfulness a local faith based organization was given clarity and peace to stand firm and the resolve to pursue its course of action as the Lord had appointed - without compromise.
PRAISE THE LORD! Opportunity
I have prayed for years to have time to share with my nieces and nephews. It has truly been a desire of my heart. The Lord provided just such a gift of time. I was able to share my joy in Him and build the foundation for a lasting and influential relationship with my niece - a remarkable young lady who has so much to offer to the Lord's kingdom.
PRAISE THE LORD! His enduring Love
Gift of the Day. As earthly parents love to dote on our children - our Heavenly Father wishes to show us His enduring love. I am grateful that He blesses us daily and love to look with expectation and intention for "my gift of the day"...and would love to hear of the gift(s) our Heavenly Father gives to you.
PRAISE THE LORD! Master Designer
Traveling in New Zealand for the last two (2) weeks has been a celebration of His handiwork. Our Heavenly Father in His awesome power also finds the beauty in the intricate details - thank you.
Grateful to see the Lord's hand of protection on family members - for good health and academic reports.
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Family. Attending church and men's group.
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Restoration. Daughter returning to her faith.
PRAISE THE LORD! Unity/Community
Unity. Times of sweet fellowship among PBS members and churches in our local Christian community.
PRAISE THE LORD! Overland's Missionary Sarah Knapp shares a testimony from her team:
In 2016, we traveled over 2 MILLION miles. We mobilized 144 short-term missionaries, 9,665 people heard the Gospel! 1,478 accepted Christ as their Savior! How is this possible? The answer is threefold: God being God, Him sending us out, and Him moving people (AKA, people like you!!) to support and pray for those who He sends.
One testimony that stuck out to me that was shared over coffee (because Overland cannot operate without the proper caffeinated fuel and the Holy Spirit!) about a young married couple in Asia. Our team had just shared the Gospel with four young men, who eagerly wanted a relationship with Christ. Later that day, they ran into a young women who had heard what had taken place earlier. She too, accepted Christ into her heart and life. The team then found out that she was the wife of one of the men they had spoken to that day! They had only been married two months, and can now pursue the Lord together for the rest of their marriage and lives!
PRAISE REPORT! Faith Like a Child...
My Son is 61/2. For Resurrection Day this year I gave him his first piece of fine jewelry and first cross - a beautiful opal necklace. I didn't know how he'd react, but he loved it and has been proudly wearing it. I told him some kids at school might make fun of him because they don't believe in Jesus. Rather than feel concerned about it, he answered me, "But they DO have Jesus in their heart - because we all do - they just don't know it yet." I was so touched by this deep theological understanding of how we are all God's children - we just need to invite Him in. Never underestimate what a child can comprehend - especially when it comes to the Truth, that indeed, is already imbedded within them.
I praise God for my son's innocent yet profound faith in Jesus!