When I consider your heavens,
The work of your fingers,
The moon and the stars,
Which you have set in place,
What is mankind that you are mindful of them,
Human beings that you care for them?
You have made them a little lower than the angels,
And crowned them with glory and honor.
(Psalm 8:3-5)
Lord, Your very Word, Your very voice ripples the universe into being!
(Genesis 1) (Isaiah 40:28)
How powerful, awesome, magnificent You are!
(Deuteronomy 10:17)
All of creation knows its creator, and bears witness to You;
(Job 12:7-10) (Romans 1:20)
All creatures praise Your name!
(Psalm 148)
The mountains and the rivers rejoice!
(Psalm 98:8)
The trees of the fields clap in worship!
(Psalm 96:11-12)
You part the seas, You blow the winds, You speak to us in thunder.
(Job 37:3) (John 3:8)
You direct, and the fish leap into the boat.
(John 21:6)
And what color - what creativity - what wonder to behold!
(Psalm 104:24-25)
You are the True Master Architect, Artist, Weaver, Designer.
(John 1:3)
The unspeakable gift that we are created in Your Image...
(Genesis 1:27)
The unfathomable grace that You dwell within us...
(1 Corinthians 6:19)
You called it all into being, and behold, it was Good;
(Genesis 1)
You breathed Life into our lungs, and behold it was Very Good.
(Genesis 1:31)
You gave us the authority to have dominion over Your creatures and earthworks.
(Genesis 1:26)
You must truly trust us, love us, inspire us to give us such responsibility.
(1 Thessalonians 2:4)
Indeed, You equip us for all tasks accomplished in Your name.
(Hebrews 13:20-21)
Marvel my soul at all the splendor of Your works around me.
(Psalm 139:14)
Let everything that has breath, praise you, Oh Lord!
(Psalm 150:6)
PRAISE REPORT! Beholding His Majesty Through Creation
"Traveling in New Zealand for the last two (2) weeks has been a celebration of His handiwork. Our Heavenly Father in His awesome power also finds the beauty in the intricate details - thank you."
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"Our Heavenly Father is the Master Designer and we are grateful for the beautiful spring blossoms and color brightening our landscape."