JEHOVAH ‘ORI – The Lord My Light


Name: JEHOVAH ‘ORI – The Lord My Light

Prayer and Meditation:

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1

As we saw in Psalm 23, Psalm 27 begins with a compound-descriptive name for the LORD. Jehovah ‘Ori; “the Lord, Light” or “the LORD is my light”.

Genesis 1:3 sets out light as Elohim’s first creative work. It is not until the fourth day, however, that the LORD creates the luminaries; the sun and stars. A study of the ancient Hebrew word “ohr” provides understanding for this creative interlude and reveals additional depth to our understanding of the meaning of the word “light”.

Light (ohr) is comprised of three letters:

Aleph – strength, leader, first

Vav – add, establish, the conjunction “and”

Resh – man, chief, first

The combination of the letters provides the meaning “what strongly establishes man” or “to bring order”. The LORD brought order out of a void or chaos to establish a covenant with man. In so doing, He established the way for us to be called children of Light.

Throughout Scripture light is associated with the LORD’s presence, favor, holiness, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, truth, life and His revelation power. Jehovah ‘Ori reveals the pathway we are to follow. His light reveals truth and life – life everlasting. See John 1:4 and 14:6.

John 8:12 records Jesus’ words saying “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life.” As believers we can reflect Christ’s light to our world by bringing order to the people and situations in our lives via our actions and decisions that show Christ’s love shining through us. See Matthew 5:14-16. We can also be assured that when our lives experience chaos and uncertainty He is our light and our salvation.

As a footnote: There will be no need for the sun and stars in the New Jerusalem “for the glory of God gives it light, the Lamb is its lamp.” Revelation 21:23.

Jehovah ‘Ori, you are the LORD, my light, whom shall I fear? Keep my mind, thoughts and direction in order on your narrow path. LORD settle my mind to hear your voice and see the light revealing your truth. In this unprecedented and uncertain time let me lead my life confident in You as a beacon of light and hope for my family, community and nation. This I pray in the name of Jesus Christ my Savior. Amen.