
Name: El Shaddai.

Prayer and Meditation:

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of El Shaddai.” Psalm 91:1

El Shaddai, the almighty, all powerful, all sufficient LORD promises that when we dwell in Him we will abide in His shadow.  Dwelling in Him, then, is a condition precedent or required event to abiding in His shadow.  To be in Him requires the desire to have a constant, hour-by-hour relationship with the Lord, to live a life with intention in obedience to His commandments, trusting and dependent on Him.  In so doing, we can rest with abandon in the shadow of El Shaddai.

Holy Spirit awaken in me the desire to want more of Christ in my life and to depend completely in you.  Lord, I want my life to be an example of your power and sufficiency – resting in you – in the shadow of El Shaddai.  In your name and for your glory we pray.  Amen.