31 Days of Praise! Day 4

Today is National Day of Prayer!

 "By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name."
Hebrews 13:15


Boldness and Confidence to Speak of Jesus on Social Media

"I have never been comfortable speaking about my faith in social media, for fear of offending someone, or getting into an awkward or even confrontational conversation. I assumed people will roll their eyes at my Christian comments and lash back at me. Then one day God moved me to take a risk and say something. I read on my feed a post by one of my "friends" - it was about a celebrity who was very lost and damaged. They were perversely oggling at her as one would a train wreck. I simply left the comment, "She needs Jesus." Wow did this simple comment open up a can of worms! This just goes to show the POWER in speaking the name of Jesus - I have never received more comments in any Facebook discussion! At first people ridiculed me and said "the LAST thing this girl needs is patronizing religious mind control!" "Oh by, here we go - here comes Jesus!" Lots of mockery of me and Christ. The "friend" said she didn't want Jesus posts on her wall. 

But then someone expressed genuine curiosity - they simply wanted to hear what I had to say, give me the floor, so to speak. I calmly said out of respect for this person's wall, I would not discuss it openly, but invited him to privately message me to talk. Then the person whose wall it was granted me permission to speak. All eyes were on me - or rather, were on God. I shared the gospel and explained why I felt this lost celebrity would benefit from Jesus in her life. To my amazement, the ridicule stopped flat. No-one got on their knees asking God into their heart; no-one admitted anything...but neither did anyone continue the argument. It was silent, almost reverent. A few more comments were made that let me know that despite the silence, people were still reading and engaging...they just didn't know what to say. I have no idea what happened in this conversation for any of these readers, 99% of whom I do not know. But I know a seed was planted, and I praise God for moving in me, for giving me not only the words to say in that forum (they certainly didn't come from me!) but the boldness to say them in the first place. "For those who have hears to hear..." Praise you, Lord, for social media - for the ability to broadcast your message far and wide, across time and space, to millions of people."


Success in Mediation - God's Mouthpiece

"Yesterday held a huge answer to prayer [through mediation] - a real celebration of the Lord’s presence and direction.   There is so much value to doing your best - being prepared - and ready- then leaving the matter solely to the Lord."

Learn more about the 31 Days of Praise! 

Go Deeper: Read Study and Reflection on 31 Days of Praise! Day 4

Submit a Praise Report to: promisebiblestudy@gmail.com