Days of Praise! Day 28


In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.
(Ephesians 3:12)

"I exult in the free, confident access You have provided, so that I can come into Your presence for warm fellowship...what a joy to know that I can draw near to You at any moment, wherever I may be...that I can come boldly to Your thrown of grace, assured of your glad welcome."
(Ruth Myers, "31 Days of Praise", Day 28 p102)

What an important reminder! What crucial understanding - that the veil was torn - that we can enter the Holy of Holies "any moment, wherever I may be." That the cross is a ladder straight to the thrown room of God, that the empty tomb is a reminder of the lack of anything that stands between us and our Lord.

When I think of such incomprehensible access, I am aghast that I could go for even a day - an hour - without entering His palace. Here I stand with the key, Christ Himself says "Knock and door shall be opened (Matthew 7:7)," and yet I wander around outside of His courtyard.

Jesus prays, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Are these places so separate for the believer? Christ Himself invokes, beckon's God's kingdom, His will, to be here, now, present, among us! Are we like fish in the water, unaware of our oceanic surroundings?

Oh Lord, may we enjoy your presence every day, every moment! May we remember that we are heirs,  sons and daughters of the King Himself! As royal children, we can enter His courts freely, confidently, and humbly, with thanksgiving and praise! (Psalm 100:4)

Truly, this access is a gift. Lord we praise You for giving us admittance into Your holy presence.

What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!

Learn more about the 31 Days of Praise!

 - Ruth Myers, "31 Days of Praise: Enjoying God Anew", Multnomah Books, 1994