31 Days of Praise! Day 2

Thank You for Christ

Lord how great is your love, that you sent your Son! That He stood in our place at death's door and entered through on our behalf, that we might have life.
(John 3:16). 

Lord you have lifted us, and so we lift You now, exalting Your name above all names!
(Psalm 40:2)

Lord Jesus, You are our Salvation!

You are also our Teacher;
(Matthew 23:8-10)(Luke 11:1)

Our Healer;
(The healings of Jesus)

Our Comforter;
(John 14:27)

And in all this, you are our Example of our Heavenly Father.
(John 13:15) 

You teach us to speak with Authority! 
(Luke 4:36)(Matt 7:29)(Luke 10:19)

You instill within us the ability to help others;
(John 14:12) (Galatians 6:2)

That we may be an example of You.
(Matthew 5:16)

God, without your Spirit within us, we are like the Israelites wandering aimlessly in the desert without a pillar to guide us. Praise be to you, Father, for providing a Light - a Light that leads us - and others through us - into your arms. 
(John 8:12)(Isaiah 9:12)(John 14:6)

Lord, how great is Your unfathomable Love, that You would descend from Your Throne to find the lost sheep. 
(Matthew 18:12-14)

"Fairest Lord Jesus, You alone are my heart's desire, my chief delight,
my soul's glory, my joy, my crown.
Every advantage life can offer is like rubbish,
compared with the overwhelming gain of knowing you.
You are worthy, Lord.
Worthy to be thanked, and praised, and worshipped and adored."

- Ruth Myer ("31 Days of Praise", Day 2, pg43)
(Psalm 45:2)(Song of Solomon 5:16)(Philippians 3:8)

Walking in His Light Shines Unto Others


"Thank you for Your earthly example. Help us understand the cost to You of providing Christ's example and help us to follow His footsteps. Thank you Father."

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"Through my walk with Christ, I am being an example at my workplace. My employer has stopped cursing in front of me, has asked clients to speak better words, is more honest in his business dealings, and has even joined me in prayer on a number of occasions! I went out on a limb and brought Christ to work with me, as that can be 'politically incorrect.' But God responds to obedience and has blessed us by being present in our office. 'For I am not ashamed of the gospel!' (Romans 1:16)"

Learn more about the 31 Days of Praise

Submit a Praise Report to: promisebiblestudy@gmail.com