40 Day Prayer Commitment: Day 11

The High Priestly Prayer: John 17:15

In my Bible version, the Fire Bible (English Standard Version), the section from which this verse was taken is under the heading "The High Priestly Prayer." It is good to remind ourselves that Christ is our High Priest, a "hat" of His that I often forget he wears amidst the more commonly referenced hats of Savior, Healer, Teacher, and Good Shepherd. Yes he is certainly those things and so much more, as he is God Himself. But the role of high priest is essential to remember - the ultimate intercessor, approaching the throne of God on our behalf. He takes the place of the need to make animal sacrifices with human priests in built temples: since he is the Priest, the Sacrifice, and the Temple all in one!

The verse of the day is a portion of Jesus' prayer to his Father. Among many other things Jesus asks for - including his own Glorification - he prays on behalf of his disciples (all of us). This prayer is immediately before he is arrested! When he prays:

JOHN 17:15 "My prayer is not that You take them out of the world, but that You protect them from the evil one."

He himself is just about to be removed from the world, delivered into the hands of evil ones. 

Let us rejoice today and praise Him for his intercessions, his sacrifice, and his protection, and may we extend that prayer to those around us: we too can intercede and ask for the protection of others. 

Learn about the 40 Day Prayer Commitment here.