isaiah 40:3 they who wait for the lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary. they shall walk and not faint.
It takes much patience to wait for the Lord to answer your prayers. It’s always in His timing not yours! The answer comes in many different ways, sometimes not what you expected. This past year I had a total left knee replacement surgery and I couldn’t run; I could hardly walk. I needed some extra strength from the Lord to move and exercise. I began to trust Him for my strength to be renewed. I needed some Eagle power! So I could walk and not faint. I faithfully did PT and my exercises with help from Jesus and I healed up and gradually got pain free and mobile again. I can run slowly now but no marathon just yet.
That’s my testimony. I’m so thankful that I have my faith in the Lord who never lets me down.
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