Day 19

Isaiah 26:3 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you.

We experience “perfect peace” when we abide in Him.  
We know the “shalom, shalom” used in this verse when we know His Word, His promises,
His attributes and spend time in prayer with Jesus. 
Over the last several years I have immersed myself in highlighting in my Bible every promise, attribute, name and characteristic of our Heavenly Father. 
It has been a gift as my mind focuses on Him. 
These studies have strengthened my relationship with the Lord
and brought me great joy in knowing Him better.  
He is our/my loving, faithful, all-knowing Father
who created us for relationship with Him. 
When faced with challenging situations,  
we need to call upon Him and trust in His promises.
As the Alpha and Omega - He alone knows what is best for us. Casting our cares upon our all-powerful loving Savior.

Click on the above image to receive an alphabetized list of the names/attributes of the Lord!

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