DAY 37

Matthew 25:23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’


Robert wore his story with confidence.  His broad shoulders told of his years of service to his country in World War II and his devotion to his family.  His voice trembled at times as he shared with me how he left high school to join the army in 1943.  On his return he immediately enrolled back in school only to withdraw again to support his family after the untimely death of his father.  He smiles, twinkle in his eye, as he remembers, six decades later, receiving his high school diploma.  “It took me forever to leave the school,” his smile deepens, “with all the congratulations.”  Later, speaking with his son, I reflected on how he and his brothers must be so proud of their dad.  He agreed quietly and in a thoughtful voice said “I just hope he is proud of me.”

A child’s chief ambition is the affirmation of his or her parents.  C.S. Lewis writes of this desire in his essay The Weight of Glory.  How do we please our Heavenly Father?  How does God notice us?  Can we really make Him proud of us?  Paul provides the answer in his letter to the Corinthians (I Corinthians chapter 8 verse 3).  To those who love God – they will be known by Him.  In order to be part of God’s family and welcomed into His presence we need to truly love Him.  To love him solely and completely, denying all others.  We need to keep our eyes on Him (Colossians 3) and His purpose and rest in His loving embrace.

The most important two words we will ever hear will be “WELL DONE” spoken by our Heavenly Father.  It will be my greatest joy to hear those same words spoken to you – and to know you have in deed made Him proud.

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