Day 36: God of My Praise


VERSE: "Do not keep silent, O God of my praise!" Psalm 109:1

MEDITATION and PRAYER: The Lord created us to love Him. We celebrate His love for us by praising Him for who He is, and for all the wondrous things He has done. There are many different ways to praise Him: with our words, songs, thoughts and actions, adoration and love for Him and for one another, and especially when we praise Him in times of trouble.

Praise brings the Presence and Power of God into our lives.

Exodus 15:2-3 "The Lord is my strength and my song, And He has become my salvation; He is my God and I will praise Him; My father's God, and I will exalt Him. The Lord is a man of war; The Lord is His name…” (War is a reference to Rev. 19:11 – "Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and righteousness He judges and makes war.")

The song goes on to tell how God destroyed Pharaoh's chariots and armies by drowning them in the Red Sea. If we think about the fact that our praise brings His presence, wouldn’t you want to praise him all the time, in all things?

But we have to be in the right position to hear from Him. Set aside quiet time to pray. Get yourself into a state where God can speak to your mind and heart. The atmosphere in your home should be filled with peace. Praise and worship brings His Presence; His Presence brings miracles, answered prayers, and Perfect Peace.

"Heavenly Father, Lord over all created things, we lift up Your Name with great praise and adoration! Most Holy One, there is no greater honor than to be in Your Presence. We bow humbly before You, dear King, and ask Your Holy Spirit to fill this place. Speak to us Lord, and show us Your purpose and plan for our lives. We Thank You for hearing and answering our prayer." Amen.