Promises Week 16:
I Kings 13 - II Kings 7
…delighting in Him and His Word…Psalm 37:4
I Kings 15:14 – The High Places. Asa did right – although he did not remove the high places. I Kings 22:44 – Jehosphaphat – similarly did not remove the high places…
Believers today might avoid the obvious “high places” but we tend to be casual about what writer and Bible teacher Jerry Bridges calls “respectable sins.” We rarely speak of envy, worry, spiritual pride, sexual window-shopping, gossip or strife as sin. But these habits are nothing but sinful deeds of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21).See the full article at: . Together let’s agree to remove our high places to serve our Lord more fully.
I Kings 17:4 and; II Kings 1:3-15 The Lord Will Provide (Spectacularly). God is able to provide for His people during a famine…”I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there …I have commanded a widow to sustain thee.” And let’s not forget the Lord’s hand in placing Joseph in a position of leadership to bless the His anointed (Jacob and his family). Supernatural provision.
It is the will of the Lord for us to walk in the supernatural. We are serving a God of miracles. l Kings 17:21: Supernatural healing “And he (Elijah) stretched himself upon the child three times and cried to the Lord. ..”
l Kings 18:43 Elijah commanded his servant seven times to go up and look toward the sea but Elijah did not get out of his worship position, he stayed right where he was worshipping God. Worship strengthens our faith. If praise and worship worked for Abraham and Elijah, it will work for us also. When we worship God, He will send the rain of His Spirit upon us, and it will drown all the “Ahabs” and all the other resistances in our lives. God give us the wisdom to take our position and praise You, worshipping before it begins to rain in our lives. Faith says it is done, worship says it from the heart.
l Kings 19:1-3 Elijah had seen God do great things just the day before he was threatened and intimidated by Jezebel. Exhaustion caused him to respond in a completely unbalanced way. We must learn to listen to our bodies and rest when we need it. Rest is not a luxury or a sign of laziness, it is essential to living a fruitful life.
I Kings 19:4 and 5; II Kings 1:3-15 Promise of Provision. To have an angel as a cook and host – Elijah was accustomed to divine and angelic provision and protection. What should our expectations be…?
I Kings 20:3 Stewardship. Thy silver and gold is mine…there would never be a need of support for God’s work at home or abroad if His children looked upon their finances as the Lord’s money… While considering faithful stewardship – remember our time – how can we best use it to His glory?
Mentorship – Elijah and Elisha – so important. As our Promise Bible Study moves forward and we anticipate our role as mentors for Transformation Life Center – Woman’s Ministry we are encouraged by the examples of mentorship in the Bible.
II Kings 2:9 Elisha’s Double Portion. “Ask”…the many miracles seen in Elisha’s time are a testament to young Elisha’s bold request of a double portion. We are once again reminded to ask …James 4:2 (again J)
Many people ask for things and then are not trained to or willing to do what is required of them to have their requests granted. Asking is easy but follow through is not. It takes perseverance and courage, obedience and sacrifice to follow through and finish well. Whatever it is you are called to do, just do it! God has a double portion blessing waiting for you, but you find it at the finish line.
l Kings 3:19: In Old Testament times stopping up wells with stones was a weapon used to defeat one’s enemies. That weapon is still being used against us today. We are born open and free but over time the enemy of our faith will use whatever stones he can find to block our flow, stones of abuse, rejection, hurt and misunderstanding are just some of the stones that can block our flow. Only the living water can set us free. May we all have the power of the Holy Spirit remove the stones that block the wellspring of our lives. Amen
II Kings 6:16 Fear Not. Elisha reminded his young charge that there were mightier invisible hosts acting as their bodyguards…see II Chronicles 32:7; Psalm 55:18 and Romans 8:31.
Week 17: II Kings 8 – II Kings 25