Promises Week 1:
Genesis 1-24
…delighting in Him and His Word…Psalm 37:4
Our journey to discover all God has promised us and wants for us begins with three declarations of fact that offer our lives great confidence:
1:1 – God was “in the beginning” and He “created”
1:31 – after creating man on the 6th day – God saw that his creation was “very good”
We worship the Eternal Creator of heaven and earth… these statements of fact carry unconditional promise.
God created and gave us what the Creator Himself deemed to be “very good” and set us apart from the balance of His creation by instilling in us the freedom of choice. Through this free-will we broke harmony with our Creator’s divine plan and sin entered God’s handiwork.
2:17 and 3:3 - everything in the Garden of Eden was made lovely and freely available with one exception – that exception accompanied the undeniable warning of the consequence of disobedience…death: “in the day thou eatest hereof thou shalt surely die.”
3:15 – the promise made to Adam - the Promise of Redemption. In just nine verses after disobedience (sin) enters mankind’s story – the Lord immediately provides the promise of redemption foreshadowing Christ’s victory at Calvary destroying satan’s power over the grave and rescuing us from sin’s slavery and
Death – the Seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent’s head. The promise of our Saviour is foretold.
8:20 to 9:27 – the Promise made to Noah that there will never be another universal judgment by water…the multicolored rainbow set in the sky was given as a symbol of the covenant.
Chapter 12 onward – the Promises made to Abraham: (i) a great nation 12:1 to 3 – all shall be blessed by him – see Galatians 3:16; (ii) land 13: 15, 16; (iii) the Lord will be Abraham’s shield 15:1.
ASIDE – 18:14 – is there anything too hard for God…Jeremiah 33:3 and Philippians 4:13 – we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us…
22:18 – the Lord blesses Abraham again with the promise of descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore…”because you have obeyed me”.
Be still, hear His voice and obey…be blessed and be a blessing to others for His glory.
Week Two: Genesis Chapters 25 to 44
We will also discuss the difference between Declaration, Promise and Covenant.
We are looking for a timeline on Chapter 10 and the Tower of Babel