Promises Week 30:
Book of Ecclesiastes - Isaiah 10
…delighting in Him and His Word…Psalm 37:4
Aside. Solomon reigned 961 – 922 BC
Divided Kingdom 922 – 587/86 BC
Hezekiah reigned 715 – 687 BC
Fall of Northern Kingdom (Israel) 722/21 BC
Fall of Southern Kingdom (Judah) 587/86 BC
Solomon’s Proverbs penned ~ 950 BC
Ecclesiastes. In general. The book of Ecclesiastes was written in Solomon’s old age. The book discusses the meaning of life and the best way to live. With the meandering direction of the author the conclusion firmly places reverence to our Heavenly Father and obedience to His Word as the answer to a significant life. Some scholars suggest that Hezekiah may have edited the book of Ecclesiastes. Some scholars reject the pre-exilic origin due to the Persian phrases…and even suggest a Greek influence.
(i) Chasing the wind – used some thirty-five times
(ii) Under the sun – referenced thirty times
(iii) Meaningless – mentioned thirty-seven times
Wisdom – what is the value – we all die…Stoicism and Epicureanism – happiness is best pursued via simplicity.
Tone…Koheleth/Teacher…has lost his faith in old age…
Consider…treating Ecclesiastes as a dialogue…answering and refuting unorthodox views.
Read as the book of the record of Koheleth’s quest for knowledge … and it is only in the conclusion – to fear God and live life simply and enjoy His gifts – that trust is revealed.
Great influence in Western philosophy...Tolstoy’s A Confession written when he was 51
Significance vs Success – lasting impact
Ecclesiastes 2:26 Knowledge. We acquire secular knowledge through education etc. We gain spiritual knowledge when we ask the Lord. Power, popularity, prestige or pleasure … nothing can fill the God shaped vacuum in a man’s life, but God himself!
Ecclesiastes 3:11 Hope of Immortality. A common human condition.
Ecclesiastes 3:14 Forever. What God does is forever.
Ecclesiastes 3:17 Timing. God has an appointed time in which to do everything He has planned. The question we have to ask ourselves is are we submitted to His timing in our lives or have we grown impatient waiting for something to happen? If so let us repent for any impatience and make a fresh surrender to God’s perfect timing for everything He wants to do in our lives.
Ecclesiastes 4:9 & 12 2+1 = 3. Two trusting hearts and the Lord as the third cord – cannot dissolve the relationship. In any companionship formed – God must be the unseen partner.
Ecclesiastes 5:1 “keep your foot” means do not lose your balance or get off track. One stays on track by keeping her mind on what she is doing.
Ecclesiastes 5:4 and 5 We must be True. God expects us to be true to our word (promises/vows).
Ecclesiastes 5:10 Money. The love of money $ will never satisfy.
Ecclesiastes 7:1 Eternity. If we trust in the Lord – upon our death we will be with Him – worshipping Him in heaven.
Ecclesiastes 9:16 Victory. Our only hope of victory is in Him.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 The Word=Bread. His Word will not return void.
Ecclesiastes 11:4. Obedience. Be obedient don’t wait for conditions to change.
Ecclesiastes 11:6 The Harvest. We are responsible for sowing vs the harvest.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 & 14 In Conclusion. Fear the Lord and keep His commandments…this is the answer.
Ecclesiastes 12:6 Look up. Remember your Creator…before dying. (Tolstoy’s dream)
* How impressive throughout Ecclesiastes is the evidence that, while Solomon is doing his utmost to prove that life is futile and not worth living, The Holy Spirit is using him to show that these conditions are the tragic effect of living “under the sun”- ignoring the Lord, dwelling away from God the Father, oblivious to the Holy Spirit- and yet to face the mysteries of life and nature.
Abiding truth: True love is worth pursuing, and it should be expressed with passion.
Song of Solomon 2:14 Meeting Him. We (the church) are the dove – He is the Rock – He waits to meet us in the secret places – we should not disappoint Him.
Song of Solomon 5:16 Our Friend. He is our friend – never absent – all bountiful…
Week 31: Isaiah Chapters 11 - 35