Promises Week 27
Book IV Psalms 90 to 106
…delighting in Him and His Word…Psalm 37:4
(Numbers - wilderness, human failure, victory and defeat…)
Psalm 90:2. He IS. This PROMISE confirms that all God is and ever has been He will continue to be…
Psalm 90:10, 12; 91:16; 92:14 Long Life and Fruit. Life is not counted in calendar days – with enthusiasm and joy our days will bring fruit.
Psalm Chapter 91 - Covering of Divine Wings. As His children we dwell in the shelter of the Most High The Lord PROMISES to keep and protect us for His purposes. See Matthew 4:6
Psalm 93:5 – a Spirit or Holiness in Worship and Church.
Psalm 94:14 & 19 Comforts of the Promises. The Lord has made us His own inheritance and will never forsake us. We can rest in the assurance that when we accept Jesus into our life we are a part of our Heavenly Father’s family – forever.
Psalm 96:1 He gives us a New Song. The Lord is our constant song and provides a melody in our heart.
Psalm 100 - Closing Group Bible Reading.
1 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
2 Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
3 Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
5 For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
King James Version (KJV)
Psalm 101:6 Conditional Promise. His PROMISED presence and fellowship – if we fear Him and walk in His way.
Psalm 103
Psalm 103 is a hymn of praise celebrating the abundant goodness and love the Lord has for his people.
v.3 Gods promise is that he forgives our iniquity which is like a disease that weakens and corrupts, he heals our diseases( physical, emotional, and spiritual) restoring our moral and spiritual life out of his love and mercy for us.
Isaiah 53:5 He was pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities, upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with his wounds we are healed. When His chiding has served its purpose – the punishment is over
v.4 Gods promise for constant care and provision
Isaiah 1:24 the prophet looks forward to a cleansed people after the historical judgment of the exile, restored to its mission
v.5 he satisfies us with good so that our youth is renewed like the eagles which is an emblem of strength, vitality and youthful endurance( Isaiah 40:31)
v. 6 his promise of protection against harm
psalm 97:2 righteousness and justice are foundations of his throne
v.7 his ways reveal his commitment to his people
v.8 this verse is based on Exodus 34:6
The Old Testament fundamentals confession of Gods Character
Exodus 34:6 The Lord passed before him and proclaimed The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness
v.9 He does not keep his anger forever also in
Micah 7:18 he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love
v.10 he does not deal with us according to our sins
v11-13 These are 3 comparisons for the kindness, to show its abundance
v. 15 our human life is short but his steadfast love is everlasting
v.17-18 Those who fear him are the same as those who keep his covenant and remembers to do his commandment ; they are the faithful, who believe the promises and obey the commands
v.19 refers to Gods universal rule over all creatures
v 20-22 Let all creation join in blessing the Lord
Notes have come from the ESV Study Bible
Psalm 104:3 The Hem of His Garment. Picture the Lord in the heavens riding the clouds powered by the celestial winds – reach to touch the hem of His garment…and be blessed.
Psalm 106 - …so I will remember…