Promises Week 23:
Job 8-35
…delighting in Him and His Word…Psalm 37:4
A Introduction (Job 1.1-5)
B Satanic Assault (Job 1.6-2.10)
C Job’s Friends’ Arrival (Job 2.11-13)
D Job’s Friends (Job 3.1-31.40)
E Elihu the Mediator (Job 32.1-37.24)
F Job and YHVH (Job 38.1-42.6)
G Job’s Friends’ Departure (Job 42.7-9)
H. Satan’s Defeat (Job 42.10-13)
I. Conclusion (Job 42.14-17)
Job 19 Faith vs Feelings. Don’t base your faith on your feelings. Easier said than done. How natural it is to be overjoyed when your calling, your ministry and all that you do for the Lord is going well and how understandable it is to feel down when you aren’t hearing from God and challenges are surrounding you. You will usually experience more resistance and opposition when you are doing things well than when you aren’t doing much at all and that can be frustrating and discouraging. So we look at Job and buckle up and keep our eyes on Jesus and trust God to see us through.
Job Chapters 37 – 41 God’s Dominion. Nature has no thought or will of her own – entirely under the control of the Lord. A magnificent display of God’s dominion… Selah – rest and reflect in the Lord (Job 37:14-16). Reflect – a moment becomes a memory.
Job 37:14 - Standing Still: Even though Job’s friend Elilhu was critical and judgmental of Job, he did offer a good piece of advice in telling Job to stand still. Standing still is action in God’s economy. It is spiritual action. Say “Lord, I am going to wait on You until You do something about this situation.” Wait”, I say, upon the Lord, and lean not on your own understanding.
Job Chapter 39 – Why?-Who? Job would ask why? And the Lord would ask who? Who made you…?
An Aside – Friendship/the PBS bond. What can we learn from Job’s experience? Were his friends effective? Did they provide comfort? What did they do that was helpful - hurtful? What have we found that we have done that has been helpful for our friends and that friends have done for us. How can the bond of our PBS bring strength in time of need and encourage us to see the Lord’s purpose in our lives?
1. A relevant Bible verse…
2. Prayer – immediate and ongoing… after Job prayed for his friends – then Job’s life was restored (Job 42:10)
3. A note of encouragement
4. Understanding – friends need to listen
5. Being included
6. Sharing “the gift of the day”
7. Acknowledge and show our gratitude for the relationship
See: for a special blessing.
Week 24: Psalms Chapter 1 - 29