Promises Week 13:
I Samuel 14 - II Samuel 2
…delighting in Him and His Word…Psalm 37:4
I Samuel 14:12 Jonathan’s Promise. The Lord delivered the Philistines into the hands of Jonathan and his armor-bearer.
I Samuel 15:22 to 28, 28:16 to 19 Obedience is better than Sacrifice. The Lord rejects Saul as king due to his disobedience. Chapter 16:4 – Samuel did what the Lord told him and went to Bethlehem, Jesse’s home – to anoint David.
I Samuel 15:29 The Lord does not lie or change His mind.
I Samuel 16:7 The Lord looks at the heart of a man. We can see David’s heart by the first three times he speaks in the Bible:
1. 17:26 David begins his conversation by focusing on the Lord.
2. 17:37 Similarly, David shows his reliance on the Lord when speaking with Saul…
3. 17:45-47 ...and again in speaking with Goliath.
David’s conversation and focus is centered on the Lord. Acts 13:22 confirms David is a man after the Lord’s own heart.
I Samuel 22:1 and 2 Into the cave.
1. Verse 1 – David is at a complete loss – he has lost his position, his wife, his home, his best friend – and his dignity, pretending to be insane. He escaped to the cave – away from everyone with the exception of his Heavenly Father.
2. Verse 2 – look who joins him – his family and others in need.
3. To see David’s heart during this period we look to his writings. David continued to seek after the Lord, with a radiance and reverence saved for his Lord. See Psalm 142, 57 and 34.
David was hurt enough to admit need
Honest enough to cry for help
Humble enough to learn from God
Keep our eyes on Him – Colossians 3.
I Samuel 21:42 David and Jonathan – Promise of Friendship. To have such a friend – to be such a friend.
I Samuel 29 – Ziklag. Ziklag is a place of such devastation and lack – that a person can only continue through encouragement…
Week Fourteen: II Samuel 3 to II Samuel 22